evil eye


evil eye 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a look thought capable of inflicting injury or bad luck on the person at whom it is directed.
  2. the power, superstitiously attributed to certain persons, of inflicting injury or bad luck by such a look.

evil eye 近义词

n. 名词 noun

glance intended to cause harm

更多evil eye例句

  1. But along with the cartoon funk is an all-too-real story of police brutality embodied by a horde of evil Pigs.
  2. Or has the see and hear and speak-no-evil stance of the Republican House persuaded him that he is in the clear?
  3. One wonders if his subsequent battles with the “Evil Empire” were animated by this belief.
  4. Luke Skywalker is an evil robot who has fallen to the dark side of the force.
  5. The numbers reinforce another article in the Post, in which cops confessed to “turning a blind eye” to minor crimes.
  6. He alludes to it as one of their evil customs and used by them to produce insensibility.
  7. But Lucy had noted, out of the corner of her watchful eye, the arrival of Miss Grains, indignant and perspiring.
  8. The Majesty on high has a colony and a people on earth, which otherwise is under the supremacy of the Evil One.
  9. As his eye became accustomed to the gloom, David Arden saw traces of gilding on the walls.
  10. As small letters weary the eye most, so also the smallest affairs disturb us most.